General Assembly Committees

A General Assembly, in Model United Nations, is the committee type that most accurately simulates UN proceedings. Every delegate represents a country or a character and brings his or her respective views into the debate. Delegates debate in a moderated caucus for the majority of the conference, work together on draft resolutions in unmoderated caucuses and eventually hope to pass their work through the committee once the entire committee has agreed to enter the voting block. The committee will be headed by a chair, who will control moderated caucus, but will also heavily rely on the assistance of two to three moderators to handle all documents, timekeeping and awards judgement. We’re excited to announce EmpireMUNC X’s General Assembly Committees:

Position Paper Guidelines:

All delegates for GA committees are required to submit 1 position paper per topic by 11:59 PM on November 8th to their committee chairs (emails can be found in the committee Background Guides). All citations should be completed in MLA format. Position Papers should be in the following format:

  • Paragraph #1: Overview of topic

  • Paragraph #2: Country position and policies on topic

  • Paragraph #3: Proposed Solutions


Disarmament and International Security Committee (DISEc)

Topic A: Private Military Contractors

Topic B: Trading Nuclear Components

world health organization (who)

Topic A: Telehealth/Telemedicine

Topic B: Staffing Shortages

United states conference of mayors

Topic A: Mass transit

Topic B: Housing Programs


United Nations Security Council (UNSC)

Topic: 2030 Egyptian Water Crisis